Monday, September 24, 2012

Stop Motion Animation of Falling

To make this, I at first tried to make it actual fall with a series of put together instruments and tape to try nd keep it in the air, but I failed. I didn't have the proper equipment at hand to do the animation that way when I thought i did. So instead I went for the one the floor way. Off to the side out of camera view, there is tape measuring out the falling distance pattern. I lined up the roller hockey puck with the first mark and then took the picture. After I moved it to the next one and the next one. I tried to add a bit of a bounce to a stop at the end. I will say though because of how i had to get the camera to fit the whole shot, it does look like the puck is stopping on an invisible floor.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Video analysis of path of action

I was unable to upload the video with the tracks because every time I tried to export the video, Tracker stops responding and will not come back.


Monday, September 3, 2012